Monday, February 25, 2008

Life before with the gangters

Life before is totally different........
I always go out ......have fun and party everywhere......
Not always but maybe twice a month there's always gathering.......
Like , birthday party,wedding,baptismal, joke....beach hopping,mall hopping....
going hiking or traveling .....somewhere.....i miss my life before...........the past ..........
Yap,past could never be present right! oh life ......i love my life ...........
I remember before i watched movies 3 movies and one day...because i'm so crazy of movies.....
Movies....ohhh i loved movies....dvd's and Korean novela's,life is so easy .....and im having fun
of it of course after the storm.Maybe you think i am rich! nope i am a penniless too i start
with nothing life is very hard before.....
But God is amazing grace...god's show me the grace and shower me with blessing when i got worked
and got my own money.I started working when i am 16 years old.So life was difficult then as in
very very difficult....thats how life it is....difficulty.But after i surpass the storm and thunder
bolt life was generous on me.I see the other side of the world.Naks....nope not kidding and not the other meaning of world.Of course my life was simple i mean very simple.
But when god show me the grace....I am more confident that if you will try harder life it is not that hard it seems to episode lol.

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