Monday, August 10, 2009

Still grieving

I'm grieving right now. I can't tell you why? Hope, i can say i'm okay. But i'm not. I am in sorrow these days. Still waiting for the result of my blood test. There's a lot of things going on inside my mind at this moment in time. Sad to say, i'm not ready to tell you? yet! what's going on now. My dear readers just be with me in this conquest of my life right now. Be my companion, even though i can't feel you but i feel in your presence in my blogs. Still confused!!! hope it will be negative this time. Miss you my online best friend.


Anonymous said...

hey my dear, just got a chance to check out your blogs. Sorry to hear about whatever problems you have right now. But I do hope, you will be ok and everything will be fine. Don't forget to call on to God and have faith in him. I know it's been such a long time that we don't have communication since I am so busy these days. But always remember, you have a friend here in Ohio. You take care and God bless. talk to you soon...

Allen's Darling said...

Thanks...fel, i can't explain how sad i am right now. I hope the result is negative. Then i could smile back again. Thanks! i know that i could always count on you. Thank you so much. Anyway, did you work already?

Anonymous said...

Hi there, me im still not working and husband don't want me to apply for any job these days co'z we are moving to another house. So we are so busy packing up things and transfering. We don't want to pay the movers co'z it cost so much. Then my husband need someone to take care of him since his workplace has been demanding a lot of overtime. This past few weeks, hubby has been working like 80 hours a week. So really I have to prepare all his meals and stuff. But hopefully after we are totally settled in the new house, then I will have time to apply for a job already? how about you, are you working now? do you drive now? I hope your test will be negative. you'll be in my prayer.

Allen's Darling said...

Thanks fel, nope i am not driving yet. Thanks for the prayer fe. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

hey just curious, how's the blood test result? I been into a couple of blood test too. The first one which they took 5 tubes of blood is just for my ob panel since I am pregnant. Then the last one is for glucose tolerance test since my sugar is kind of high. It turns out I developed a gestational diabetes being pregnant. They said it will go away when the baby is born. But i have to be on a strict diet and have to prick my fingers 4 times a day to test and monitor my blood. But oh well, hope everything will be fine till the baby is born. miss talking to you!